الثلاثاء، 25 مارس 2014

المقاتلين الشيعة الاجانب في سوريا اكثر من السنة الاجانب ويتم تعبئتهم طائفيا بان المهدي سيظهر بعد حرب كبيرة في سوريا

الذين يضعون البراميل ، لهم قلوبٌ مثلنا انظر لعناصر وهم يضعون براميل "الموت"

هؤلاء ليسوا متشددين، ولا متطرفين، ولا ميليشيا،

ولا مرتزقة؛ لأنهم، ليسوا من أهل السنة.

مقاتلون!شيعة افغان


المقاتلين الشيعة يرجحون الكفة لصالح الاسد

جريدة الفاينانشال تايمز


March 24, 2014 

Shia fighters tip balance in Assad’s favour in Syria

By Erika Solomon in Beirut

Shia Muslim foreign fighters motivated by an increasingly politicised religious identity are coming to Syria to fight for President Bashar al-Assad in numbers that some observers argue match or even outnumber the Sunni militants who have joined the armed opposition.
While the estimates are contested, they show how much Syria’s war has become embedded in the fabric of Shia communities across the region – posing both advantages and risks to Mr. Assad and his main backer, Iran.

The number of independent Shia fighters in Syria is estimated to range between 8,000 to 10,000, mostly from Lebanon and Iraq, though anecdotal evidence suggests some come from as far as Azerbaijan and Afghanistan. The number of Sunni fighters is thought to be similar, with foreigners coming from around the world, but mostly from Arab countries.
YouTube videos with catchy pop tunes are modelled for recruitment. One shows gunmen posing in a picture where their faces are cut out, as if waiting to be replaced by those of new fighters. “The time has come to leave and join Hussein,” it says, referring to a leader whose martyrdom in 680 is central to Shia dogma.
The impact of mobilisation goes well beyond the front lines, says Lokman Slim, a Shia activist in Beirut who opposes and monitors Hizbollah, the Shia militant group in Lebanon that has provided thousands of fighters to support Assad.
“It’s not just the two fighters shooting at each other. Each fighter needs around three or four people behind them,” he said. You have communications needs, you have first aid, you need drivers . . . So when you say Hizbollah has sent 5,000 fighters, it means the party has actually involved 20,000 people.”
Estimates of the number of foreign fighters in Syria are based on social media and death counts. Although the numbers cannot be confirmed, it is clear that the foreign involvement stokes the sectarian element of Syria’s conflict and highlights the proxy war between Shia Iran and rival Sunni Gulf Arab states supporting the rebels.

The mobilisation of Shia fighters appears to be more successful than that of their Sunni counterparts, some argue, because it is organised and encouraged by Iran, from where recruits are trained and sent to Syria in groups, say Syrians who have joined Pro-Assad militias.
“The main big difference is the state backing. It is a far more organised process,” says Phillip Smyth, an analyst at the University of Maryland who follows Shia militias. Tehran’s systematic support makes Shia fighters a more unified force than that of the Sunni foreign fighters who tend to travel alone to Syria and join disparate groups.
The Shia fighters are associated with a shift in the balance of Syria’s three-year conflict in Mr Assad’s favour. In late 2013 his forces secured a belt of territory around Damascus and central Syria, up to the coastal stronghold of his own minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shia Islam.
“Assad was losing big swaths of territory then . . . When they came in, there was a clear shift in the balance of power on the ground,” said Janaina Herrera, analyst at the New Generation Consulting group in Beirut.
A tool used to motivate Shia fighters is the sect’s own apocalyptic scripture, which predicts that the saviour, or Hidden Imam, will return after a massive battle in Syria. Some clerics encouraging young men to fight have equated the largely Sunni rebels with the prophesied army of an enemy leader who will appear before the Imam’s return.
“Whoever wants to prepare for that moment, what is his combat readiness today?” Iraqi Shia politician and cleric Jalal al-Deen al-Sagheer asks in a speech posted on the internet. “If he has not taken a course in combat training how is that practical?”
Hayder al-Khoei, Iraqi expert at Chatham House, the London think-tank, said young Iraqis with no combat experience have also become eager to join, often receiving only two weeks of training in Iran.
“Young kids from Iraq go to Iran, they’ve never used a gun in their life before, they get trained for two weeks and then they send them to the front lines in Syria,” he said.

Economics could be another factor in the growing numbers of Shia heading to fight. Youth unemployment is nearly 30 per cent in Lebanon and about 20 per cent in Iraq. Shia militias offer the rare chance of a decent salary, whether they work on neighbourhood watches or in Syria’s battlegrounds.
“Instead of sitting around smoking, they can do something and get paid,” said a resident of the impoverished southern suburbs of Beirut, where Hizbollah is dominant. “Families of a martyr are always taken care of. Their education and healthcare are free.”
But the Shia mobilisation that has been a boon to Mr Assad could yet undermine him. Just as Sunni radicals initially helped rebels advance but later weakened them by pursuing their own agendas, so could Shia fighters if they find their interests diverging.
Iran’s patronage dampens that risk, but it still exists. One popular Iraqi Shia YouTube music video shows fighters dancing with Kalashnikovs to a chorus with the line, “We are not for Bashar, our concern is the Shia”.
Adnan al-Kanani, the spokesman of the Iraqi Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia, insists Iraqi fighters have no love for Mr Assad, whom he accuses of sending Sunni militants to Iraq during American occupation.
“We support the right of the Syrians to change their government. We have our own issues with Assad’s regime,” he said. “Some believe we support the regime – No.”


التحريض الطائفي الشيعي للقتال في سوريا

تعبئة  عن طريق اللطميات و ميدانية عن طريق الانخراط 

في القتال ضد السنة في سوريا

لطميات عن المهدي في سوريا

ألبست الحرب التي تقودها ايران  لبوس الطائفية في  "لبيك يا زينب"، 
وانطلقت من الحسينيات اللطميات التي تحرض على القتال في سوريا
 "قدح من درعا الشرر، وخصم مهدينا ظهر، ومن حرستا ننتظر أول علامة..( يعني علامة ظهور المهدي من سوريا)

 زينب اليوم بخطر، وسكينة مرقدها اندثر، يا أم رقية باكر تقوم القيامة... وباكر الجيش المنتظر يهتف ياحيدر"، رابطًا بين ما يحصل في سوريا، بأسماء المناطق، وخصوصًا تلك التي يتكبد فيها حزب الله اللبناني والعراقي "شهداء الواجب الجهادي"، كدرعا وحرستا والسيدة زينب، وبين رواية شيعية متواترة عن علامات الساعة.

من الشام البشارة
بهذه الطريقة، تتم التعبئة الشيعية، ليقبل الشباب على الذهاب إلى الموت في سوريا، دفاعًا عن النظام السوري، تحت مسمّى الذود عن المراقد الشيعية المقدسة، وإنفاذًا للقدر الشيعي في ظهور المهدي المنتظر.
فقد ورد في الصفحة 305 من كتاب غيبة النعماني حديث عن الإمام علي كرم الله وجهه، يقول فيه: "إذا اختلف الرمحان بالشام، لم تنجل إلا عن آية من آيات الله. قيل: وماهي يا أمير المؤمنين؟، فقال: رجفة بالشام، يهلك فيها أكثر من مائة ألف، يجعلها الله رحمة للمؤمنين وعذابًا على الكافرين، فإذا كان ذلك، فانظروا إلى أصحاب البراذين الشهب المحذوفة، والرايات الصفر، تقبل من المغرب حتى تحل بالشام، وذلك عند الجزع الأكبر والموت الأحمر، فإذا كان ذلك فانظروا خسف قرية من دمشق يقال لها حرستا، فإذا كان ذلك خرج ابن آكلة الأكباد من الوادي اليـابس، حتى يستوي على منبر دمشق، فإذا كان ذلك فانتظروا خروج المهدي".
أما الرمحان فربما هما النظام العلوي والسلفية السنية، وسينجلي التصادم بينهما عن خسف أوما شابه في حرستا والبراذين صفة ركوب أهل المغرب وصفة لأحذيتهم، وهو بعيد عن أحداث الرواية، ولربما المقصود أمر من اثنين، رجفة وموت أكثرمن مئة ألف يعقبها تدخل قوى خارجية واحتلالها سوريا، أو استقطاب السلفيين من أرجاء العالم العربي إلى سوريا. وفي الأمرين، ينتظر الشيعة البشارة من الشام.

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والتعجيل لخروج المهدي  
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المقاتلون الأجانب في صف النظام السوري.. من هم؟

صور مشايخ الشيعة الذي يقومون بمهام عسكرية وقتالية ضد اهل السنة

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 اضاءة على الاعمال الارهابية التي قام بها الشيعة ضد اهل السنة


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امثلة على ممارسات الشيعة الطائفية في العراق سوريا لبنان الكويت

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الجناح العسكري 

لمنظمة بدر العراقية



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حزب الله


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